
Hot Weather Related Stock


Hot Weather Related Stock

2 min read  ·  3292 views

Dyce Lim, Research Analyst

Reviewed By Charlie Yuan Ting Jing, CFA, CQF

CategorySub-Sector BenefitedReason for BenefitPotential Companies Leading In Malaysia
RetailerConvenience storeIncreased demand for cold beverages, ice cream, fresh produce, and other items that help them stay hydrated and cool during the heat.MYNEWS, SEM, QL
SupermarketAEON, CCK
BeverageBeer/Alcoholic BeveragesDemand for refreshing treats and increased thirst and need for hydration to beat the heatCARLSBG,HEIM, HARISON
Ice CreamJAG
Personal CareSkincareProtection from sunburn and harmful UV raysEIG, NOVA, INNATURE
HealthHelp alleviate common summer ailments like sunburn, dehydration, or heat exhaustion.BESHOM
AppliancesElectric Appliances and Home AppliancesDemand for cooling solutions in homes, offices and mailsSENHENG, KHIND, PANAMY, PENSONIC, MILUX, GUH (PCB), FIAMMA, ACO
Water DispenserDehydrationAMWAY
EntertaimentGamingpeople tend to spend more time indoors and engage in online activities, including online gaming, streaming, and browsing the internet, as a way to stay entertained and beat the heat.BJASSET, OLYMPIA, RGB, MYTECH
LeisureTravellingit offers cooler temperatures and a refreshing escape from the heat due to its higher elevation.GENTING, GENM
Water Theme ParkSeeking outdoor recreational activitiesEUPE, IBHD, SUNWAY, GAMUDA
ResortHot weather encourages outdoor activities, and resorts are well-positioned to offer a wide range of recreational options.ASB, AVI, BJCORP, BJLAN, GENM, INCKEN, KSENG, KSL, LANDMRK, PMHLDG, SHANG, SUNWAY, TANCO, CHHB
EnergyIndependent Power Producer (IPP)Hot weather increases electricity demand for cooling, leading to higher energy consumption.MALAKOF, MFCB, RANHILL, SCABLE, TENAGA, YTLPOWR
Renewable EnergySolar power generation is more efficient during hot weather due to abundant sunlight, resulting in increased renewable energy production.BOILERM, BSLCORP, CAMRES, CEPAT, COMCORP, FITTERS, JAYCORP, KPOWER, PA, CITAGLB, VSOLAR, SLVEST, PEKAT, RENEUCO
SolarHot weather encourages greater utilization of renewable energy sources, such as solar power.BSLCORP, CYPARK, GREATEC, PA, PESTECH, TEKSENG, TRIVE, SLVEST, FAST, SUNVIEW, RENEUCO, SAMAIDEN
OthersFood DeliveryPeople prefer the convenience of ordering food or shopping online from the comfort of their homes, avoiding the heat and potential discomfort of going out.CAPITALA
SunglassHigher demand for sunglasses to protect the eyes from the sun's glare and harmful UV rays.FOCUSP
SwimwearHigher demand given more participation in water-related activitiesPRLEXUS

speaker profile

This article is written by Dyce Lim, Research Analyst

Dyce is a research analyst in TED Optimus, tasked with researching and performing analysis on companies. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Financial Analysis Degree from Sunway University. During her time at Sunway University, She has participated in the CFA Research Challenge 2019/2020 and won second runner-up in the event. She is also a CFA Level 2 candidate. She is an in-house author of TED Optimus.


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