The Edge Malaysia
EMS players navigate uphill path despite tech up cycle
The Star
JHM unit bags RM300mil Proton contract
The Edge Malaysia
TMC Life Sciences, CIMB, Maybank, Gamuda, DNeX, SkyWorld, Mega First, JHM, MN Holdings, PGF Capital, OCK, Sunview, SNS Network
Nan Yang
为宝腾供应零件5年 捷铵科技获3亿合约
The Star
JHM subsidiary bags RM300mil Proton supply contract
The Edge Malaysia
JHM bags contracts worth RM300m from Proton
The Star
NCCP 2.0 to have wide-ranging impact
The Edge Malaysia
JHM acquires leasehold land with buildings in Sungai Petani for RM21 mil
The Edge Malaysia
Kenanga stays 'overweight' on technology sector, sees improving order visibility
Nan Yang
半导体业外资加码 槟城科技建筑产业大显旺气
The Edge Malaysia
Kenanga IB keeps neutral on tech sector’s medium-term outlook
The Star
Tech sector set to rebound in second half of 2024
The Edge Malaysia
Kenanga stays 'neutral' on tech sector, anticipates cycle bottom and recovery in 2H
Nan Yang
半导体需求虽反弹 大马科技股复苏仍落后
The Star
Earnings uptick forecast for H2
The Star
JHM signs MoU with China’s Dekai
The Edge Malaysia
Berjaya Corp, Berjaya Food, RHB Bank, DNeX, Bumi Armada, TH Engineering, HRRG, OneTech Solutions, JHM Consolidation and MGRC
Nan Yang
与中国厂商合作 捷铵科技探联营制造车灯
The Edge Malaysia
RHB IB says tech-sector earnings may have bottomed, CTOS Digital, Inari and Datasonic top picks
The Star
Improved prospects for tech sector likely in 2H23

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